The WA Social Enterprise Council (WASEC) is the peak body for social enterprise in Western Australia. WASEC’s purpose is to build a thriving social enterprise sector in Western Australia. Our ambition is to drive a transition to a new economy where social enterprise is the norm. We are doing this by focusing on three key pillars:
Supporting our diverse members to collaborate and learn from each other, share best practice and amplify good stories
Building capacity in the sector so that businesses can take advantage of opportunities and scale positive impact
Being a collective voice of social enterprises in order to win support from other key stakeholders such as government and corporates
WASEC is an independent peak body, supported by Lotterywest. We are governed by a board of social impact leaders and managed by a team in Fremantle. The board leads businesses that generate jobs, stimulate the economy, and address critical issues such as homelessness, youth disadvantage, sustainability, and the empowerment of First Nations people.
WASEC’s Strategic Plan focuses on empowering social enterprises in Western Australia through innovation and collaboration. It sets clear goals for expanding regional impact and building a sustainable, inclusive economy that benefits both communities and the environment.